What can you do with Kongressi?
Kongressi is suitable for organizing events of all sizes and types. With Kongressi you can easily arrange a company recreation day, a multi-level training program or an international scientific conference.
Kongressi has many features, but we only need a few. Do we also have to pay for the features we don't use?
In Kongressi you can choose the additional features you want. You will get an offer based on the number of features and user licenses, so you don't have to pay for anything unnecessary.
My event will host an evening party for special guests, and I don't want any questions about it to be made public. How would this work in Kongressi?
In Kongressi you can make multiple forms for the same event, so you can ask selected questions to different groups of participants. Others will not see the questions when you send the registration link from the Post Office only to invited guests.
We organize more events than we thought and the number of participants is growing. Will the Kongressi cost increase?
Don't worry, because Kongressi includes an unlimited number of events and attendees. In Kongressi you pay only for the selected features and number of users.
We have one user license for Kongressi. Can multiple people share the same user-ID?
It is not recommended, because the Kongressi user IDs are personal. Personal user accounts are especially important for security matters. Under the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDDPR) the processing of personal data leaves an automatic log entry to Kongressi, which identifies the modifier.
How do I prevent that all of our Kongressi users can't see information about all events and people?
In Kongressi the access rights are defined by user and event specific.