Popular features for venues and large events
Take advantage of these Kongressi features when organizing events.
Onsite registration
Remove the queues from entrances.
The Kongressi Onsite service speeds up the registration process and allows new participants to register easily at the venue. Name tags can be sent to participants on email or printed on site during registration. Access control is easy when participants can be read into event and access right checked with a QR or barcode.
Sell tickets for your event.
Kongressi can be utilized as a ticket store, because there is several ways to collect payments. The fastest solution is online payment when registering for the event. Alternatively the invoices can be sent to email, forwarded to e-invoice or printed on paper. Payments are automatically registered in Kongressi and the necessary refunds are easy to make.
Deliver tickets to the participants.
There is several possibilities for delivering tickets and event passes in Kongressi. Tickets can be delivered upon registration or sent later. The name badge or pass that is part of the ticket can also be printed on site. The group registrations contact person can distribute tickets to other members of the group electronically in the portal.
Participant portal
Lighten your workload with self-service.
In the Kongresi portal participants can view and edit their own and group members information or cancel their participation in the event. The portal includes also the participant's personal ticket to the event. The group registrations contact person can share tickets for other participants from the portal.

Exhibition stands
Sales of exhibition stands and services.
Manage the exhibition stands and keep up with their booking status in Kongressi. Department reservations and additional service orders can be made easily with the same form. The reservation fee can be paid in advance, in installments or billed after the event. Exhibitors also get their name tags from Kongressi.
Event app
Stay up-to-date and raise debate.
Introduce your event and report changes in the event app. In Kongressi event app participant can see the current program of the event and notifications you share. In message stream the participants can discuss with the other event visitors. In addition the participants can follow and share content about your event in social media.